Mission: Merry Mayhem 2010
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Reward:Merry Mayhem 2010 Participation Diploma
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Carl Tucker
Nearest City:Port Atlantis


Merry Mayhem 2010


The event lasts between Dec 26 0:00 UTC and Dec 30 23:59.


Kills will only be registered for critters in your category, and only during the event.  During the event, you have 30 hours to spend online.  If you spend more time than that, you will be disqualified.


For more help, talk to the contact Carl Tucker in Port Atlantis, or look at the rules posted at www.planetcalypso.com.



  • Category <#>
  • 0 kill points



Carl Tucker, Port Atlantis

You have been preliminary sorted into CATEGORY <#>.


Your target creature is <CREATURE>.


The category will be checked again when Mayhem starts, in case you have levelled.


The start date of the event is Dec 26th 0:00 UTC.  The end date is Dec 30th 23:59 UTC.  Between these dates, you can spend 30 hours logged in.


You can find more details in the quest log, and you can also come back to me if you want further help.

  • Close 



Carl Tucker, Port Atlantis

The competition is open between Dec 26th 00:00 UTC and Dec 30th 23:59 UTC.

Your profession level determines category

The competition will have four separate categories.  Category qualification will be based upon a participant's highest Professional Standing from the following qualification list:

  • BLP Sniper (Hit)
  • BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
  • Laser Sniper (Hit)
  • Laser Pistoleer (Hit)
  • Swordsman (Hit)
  • Knife Fighter (Hit)
  • Brawler (Hit)


Your highest Professional Standing from the qualification list will determin which of the following categories you qualify for:

  • Category 1: Highest Professional standing 0-24, including Level 24.
  • Category 2: Highest Professional standing 25-49, including Level 49.
  • Category 3: Highest Professional standing 50-69, including Level 69.
  • Category 4: Highest Professional standing 70+.


You will be preliminary sorted into a category when you get the mission.  This preliminary sorting is for your information only, in order to help you prepare for the event.


The final category qualification will happen when you make your first kill of a target creature after the event starts on Dec 26th.  If you skill up until then, you may qualify for a higher category than the one you were preliminary sorted to.


You will remain in the category that you qualify for at the beginning of the competition, regardless of whether you level up to a new category or not.


You get kill points based on maturity

Points will be awarded to participants based upon the maturity of creatures killed as follows:

  • Young - 1 point
  • Mature - 1 point
  • Old - 2 points
  • Provider - 2 points
  • Guardian - 3 points
  • Dominant - 3 points
  • Alpha - 4 points
  • Old Alpha - 4 points
  • Prowler - 5 points
  • Stalker - 5 points

Or equivalent maturity levels 1 to 10 for each creature species.


No skill chipping allowed

No skill chipping is allowed between december 21st 12:00 UTC and December 31st 12:00 UTC for participants in this event.  If you skill chip-up or down - between these two dates, you will be disqualified.


Max 30 hours online

During the event, your total online time must not exceed 30 hours.


You may distribute these 30 hours over the event at your leisure.


Please note that your online session time counts from when you enter login and password to after the 20 second countdown on logout is finished  (regardless of whether the client is closed or not), not from when the game world renders to when you press 'logout'.


Play responsibly.  First Planet Company strongly recommends that you take regular breaks and get an extended rest after long sessions online.




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