Mission: Facing the enemy
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Objective:Infiltrate the crater and complete one of 4 objectives
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Colonel Briers
Nearest City:Camp Phoenix
Required Mission:Crossroads: Fort Medusa


Facing the enemy


The trajectory of the strange drop pods indicates that they originate from Hadesheim crater. Colonel Briers wants more accurate intel on what is happening in the crater.  Infiltrate the crater and complete at least one of the ojbectives.



  • Complete one of the following objectives
    • Kill one humanoid hybrid creature anywhere.
    • Enter the Hadesheim crater and ...
  • Do not die!
  • Report to Colonel Briers




Colonel Briers, 2nd level Needle Building, Port Atlantis

Good morning <Avatar Name>. The information that you brought back worries me.  Because of that, and of other intelligence, I would like to have a recon mission of the Hadesheim crater, and I would like you to do it.


There are four objectives: to interrogate Robots and extract something from their ordinary battlenet; to find one of the new humanoid hybrid creatures found at the drop pods; to investigate what looks like a launch site and to get into the clouded centre of the crater itself.  You dont have complete all these objectives.  Most likely, just one will do.


I'm not sure what we are looking for, but I'll know it when I see it.  And because of the danger, I cant force you either.  This is strictly a voluntary mission.


  • Yes, Colonel, I'll do it.
  • Thanks but no.  The crater is too much for me.



If you choose 'Yes, Colonel, I'll do it.':

Good.  The details of the mission and its objectives can be found in your mission log.  As you were, <Avatar Name>.

  • Understood.



On killing first Harbinger:

The hybrid robot must have been manufactured somewhere, and a quick scan of its memory reveals that there is a factory at the centre of the Hadesheim crafter.


You have to report this to Colonel Briers and bring its memory to him.  Do not let yourself be killed or taken prisoner!

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