Mission: Martinez Madness
Specifications                  [Edit]
Mission Chain:NWO Prison
Objective:Kill 5000 Inmates
Reward:Coolness skills 9.76 ped TT
Reward Skills:Coolness
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:General Martinez
Nearest City:No Way Out Correctional facility
Required Mission:Zomhattan Boys Destruction

The dialog at the end of this mission makes no difference. You will die after talking to Martinez upon completion. The next mission broker will not talk to you, diing instantly.

There is no difference if you have began the escape mission already. Weather you have rented the key or not, we all get stuck at this spot.



There may be a mission that needs dropped before you can get the next mission.

trying the muscle missions, dropping them one at a time

then the boxer mission from the lagoon...  


There are a few Entropians stuck at this spot.

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