Mission: Iron Challenge: 1000 Rippersnapper
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Rippersnapper
Objective:Kill 1000 Rippersnapper
Reward:Weapons Handling (eq. 1.31 PED implant) or Aim (eq. 1.31 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Captain Horace Quinn Iron Challenge Mission Broker
Required Mission:Iron Challenge: 500 Rippersnapper


CFA hosts a series of Iron Challenges. This stage of the Rippersnapper Iron Challenge is to Kill 1000 Rippersnapper.

  • Kill 1000 Rippersnapper
    •  0 of 1000
  • Return to Captain Horace Quinn

Mission Chain

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Captain Horace Quinn (Cayuze 20256, 39671)
I hope ye can hold yer breath, 'cause now there are 1.000 is a lot, but then ye should know how it was in the old days. When I was young, ordinary weapons did not work under water. No, we had to use primitive things like a fishing rod, a net or sometimes, if ye were lucky, a harpoon. But with the wonders of the weapon industry, ye now can use your weapons under the surface and that helps! So a thousand snappers should not be a problem for ye. What do ye say? Do ye accept?
  • All right.
  • Why do you say "ye" all the time?
  • I have other things to do.

If you choose 'Why do you say "ye" all the time?':
What do ye mean? Ye says ye all the time as well?
  • No I say you, Y O U.
Aye, ye says ye and I says ye!
  • No, ye says you... no... ahh forget it. I've had enough of this.
  • Ye might be right. Let's go fishing!

On killing 1000 Rippersnapper and returning:

Ye're skilled with weapon, I can tell. Now... lets raise the sails and continue, shall we?
  • Aye, captain.
  • Nope, now I will remain on dry land for a while.

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