Place: BAMF HQ
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Mission Brokers

Name on mapNameLongitudeLatitude
 Cpt. GruberCpt. Gruber13620193142
 Drill Sgt.Breakerz 13618893055
 Gunner - Cpt.ECHO CompanyGunner - Cpt.ECHO Company13730895315
National Guard Operations OfficerNational Guard Operations Officer13628692999
 Petty Crimes OfficerPetty Crimes Officer13618293182
 Sanchez - Sgt. BRAVO CompanySanchez - Sgt. BRAVO Company13609594262
 Senior Drill Inst RufioSenior Drill Instrutor Rufio13607893024
 Staff Sgt. OrtizStaff Sgt. Ortiz13606093112
 St Bishiop of Charlie CoSt Bishiop of Charlie Co13730594622

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